Monday, October 29, 2012


Over the past few weeks, most of us have been watching the debates. I know....this is a hotly contested topic, but I'm diving into it anyway.
Here's where my problem lies:
So many issues, or at least the ones that cause such emotional reactions across the globe, revolve around religion and what your specific religion TELLS you.  (e.g. abortion)  One religion says this. Another says that. The bible says this. The bible teachings are then open to interpretation 50 million different ways, with people citing all these different verses. And which verse carries the most weight. And which religion carries the most weight. And why this religion is better and has more authority. Which book or bible is better. This one says this and therefore, it is SO.
Here's an idea:
Put the bible down and THINK.FOR.YOURSELF.
Use your brain!  Isn't that easier?  Honestly?  Then you don't have to try to remember what the freakin' bible said. It drives me insane that people let a book, or a church, or their pastor, or neighbor, or prophet, or whoever, lead them around like a lost child. Telling them this is okay, or this is not okay, under any circumstance whatsoever. What you can believe. Who you can marry. Who can do what with their own body.
I don't think it's any secret as to what I believe.  I don't.  It's as simple as that.  Life is so much more simple, to me. You live. You die. Poof. That's it for me. And at the end of the day, I don't have to remember any rules, or verses, or admonishments. I am responsible for me, my body, my thoughts, my decisions. My OWN thoughts. My OWN decisions.  It's truly the most liberating feeling.
Think for yourself.


CreativeMish said...

It is a very touchy subject. Despite religion or not.... I don't agree with abortion. If someone asked me I would advise other options. I'm sure it is a very hard choice to make but I think the pregnant woman should have more education or some kind of counseling, mainly because more often than not they have deep regrets and issues after... I am pro choice and believe each Woman has the right to make their own decision. I don't judge those that have been through it. I can't even imagine having to make the choice.

Brandy said...

It's probably no secret that I fall on the other side of the spectrum. :) While I agree that some people do not think for themselves, I think that most just have values that are obviously shaped by religion. That's what a religion does- it shapes your values and belief system. So I think a lot of people are choosing based on their values- the same as those on the other side of the spectrum. At least that's my hope!