Saturday, September 15, 2012

Carter is FIVE!

My Sweet Boy:

I can't believe this day is here. I can't believe you are five years old.

I swear it was two days ago that we were bringing you home from the hospital after your difficult birth. You were my challenge from day one - well, the day before day one, actually. My first huge scare, watching the heart monitors flat-line with every contraction I had. Not know what was going on with you....spending hours upon hours monitoring your heart rate....and ultimately having my doctor halt the labor and wheel us into the operating room. The scar I carry is a testament to our day - our battle, and ultimately, our victory. You were strong, healthy, and a fighter.

And you haven't stopped since.

We've had many scares with you, buddy. Some trips to the ER, some cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Bonks and bloody noses. You are cautious and fearless, at the same time. I didn't know that was possible, but you prove it to me every day.

I have one more year with you before I turn you over to kindergarten. Before you are turned loose on this crazy world.  One last year of you being my baby at home. I hope we have some great adventures in the next year, buddy. 

Here are some words that come to mind when I think of you.  You are bossy, concerned, and eager. You are, so funny. You are strong, fiesty, and the best big brother. You are a fantastic helper, you are loving, and you are the best cuddler.  You are smart....sometimes TOO smart. You are a challenge, and I love it. You are energetic, spirited, and curious. You are sensitive, physical, and sassy. Very, very sassy. And you know it. You are learning the art of sarcasm. You are MY child. Everything in my own spirit, wrapped up in the innocence of a child. You are a masterpiece.
Here are pictures over the last five years that remind me of you.
Happy Birthday, sweet boy.


CreativeMish said...

It's been a fast 5 years. They need to slow down!

♥Jacqueline said...

Crazy! Hope he had an amazing 5th birthday! :) PS I hope he got his bday card okay ;)