Sunday, July 15, 2012

Project 52: Week Twenty-Eight {time}

I have two pictures to share this week.  The first one, I snapped this morning while I was out shooting engagement photos.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I can't stand spiders.  However, I think the theme "time" is quite appropriate when it comes to their webs. Who knows how long it takes them to put together these masterpieces.  Note:  it took everything in my power to save this without straightening it.

Another shot that I got for this theme was what I actually set out to get from the beginning.

We've had a big fire burning outside of Boise for most of this week. This has created terrible air quality, but it has also created some incredible sunrises and sunsets. I drove up to a fantastic spot to get this shot and two things ruined the shot for me. (1) I was about 4 minutes too late to pull this off; and (2) the huge cloud bank that had settled in on the horizon made it so that I couldn't get the big, red sun right as it reached the best point. Regardless, here is my shot, straight out of the camera (I only straightened it). I will keep trying for this shot!

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