Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year in Review: 2010

As has been the tradition in my family since.....well, I can't remember ever NOT doing this.  The highlights of the year. I did a year in review post last year, and this year will be no different.

The beginning of the year was spent with Eric's recovery.  It was very hard to watch him struggle with so many basic things in life - most of all, sleep.  When your ribcage is simply held together by wire, it makes sleeping incredibly difficult.  He couldn't find many comfortable positions, so we ended up getting a recliner so he could prop himself up and somewhat relax.
It wasn't really until March that we ventured out for something other than doctor appointments.  Eventually, he was given a clean bill of health and life seemed normal again.  We resumed our regular visits to the zoo, along with Carter's swimming at the gym.

Spring also brought the big boy bed for Carter.  He never had use for his toddler bed, so we put that away and introduced him to his BIG bed.  He loved it from the moment he laid eyes on it!

The beginning of the year also brought on the chaos that was my photography business this year.  I had countless shoots, which included weddings, families, engagements, babies, etc.  The business provided an excellent supplement to the household income, which hugely helped when Eric was slow at work.  I'm very thankful that I have been able to drive such a successful business.  I look forward to another highly successful year!

The hubby and I were able to sneak off to a much-needed mini vacation to Jackpot in May.  I know there are people out there who frown upon vacations where you don't include your children, but our opinion is that trips by yourself are just as important.  Keeping the spark alive and exploring the adventurous side is extremely important in marriage (in our opinion).  Plus, we still had planned several vacations WITH Carter throughout the duration of the year.  So, for those who seem to think we are cruel and selfish parents for not including our child on this one little trip, mind your own. ;)

June brought the wedding of Miss Ashley, Eric's sister.  It was a gorgeous event and we couldn't be happier for the two lovebirds!!

We had many fishing trips.

We explored several fairs - big and small, taking in the sights, sounds, and most importantly, the FOOD!

Carter also got to attend his very first circus! 

We took several camping trips - both with just the three of us, and with some good friends.  All camping trips were an adventure, as they should be.  We also spent quite a bit of time at the cabin.

We also moved the swimming lessons for Carter to the country club pool once it got warm enough.  Nothing like a hot summer day in the cool pool, on the river, or up at Lucky Peak, which we also explored this year. 

Carter got his first big boy bike - he still has some reservations about the this, but we plan to dive right back into it when spring hits!

August brought some great news of the newest addition to our family.  We are thrilled.  Our families are thrilled.  And I'm ready to shop for a baby girl!

September brought our big trip to Tahoe - what a fun time we had!!!  I wasn't sure how Carter would do with such a long car drive each way, but we had such a great time with him.  I can't wait for our next big adventure!

Towards the end of October and beginning of November, Eric was finally able to say goodbye to the construction industry and enter a new career field.  Telling his former construction company to stick it where the sun don't shine was a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders and I am THRILLED that he's on to something bigger and better.

The holidays were a success this year and as December closes, I have a happy heart.  We lost some great people this year, but I'm glad that those closest to me are still around and kickin'.  I'd love to give the typical speech about how next year is going to be so fun and we'll have a thousand adventures - but I already KNOW we will do all that.  There are four months left until this baby arrives and we have so much to do to prepare.  I can't wait to see what this little creation is going to be, WHO she's going to be, who we will be with her.......

So, in closing, I really couldn't have asked for a better year (though winning the Idaho Lottery the other day would have definitely HELPED, lol!) and as usual, I just can't wait to see what next year has in store for us. 

I wish you all peace, happiness, health, and prosperity in 2011!

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...

Single adventures are definitely important, as we're slowing learning! ;) I can't wait to see what your lil girl looks like too! How Exciting! :)

Here's to a Happy New Year!! :)