Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lake Tahoe - Part 1

Since I took quite a few pictures on our vacation to Lake Tahoe, I'm going to group them into several different posts.

This vacation was our annual vacation with Eric's family - thanks to Winco, we get to enjoy one of their numerous, gorgeous properties every summer.  After spending the last few years at the Oregon Coast, this year's pick was Lake Tahoe.  We opted to drive there, and Carter did sooooo well.  We borrowed a portable DVD player and that kept him entertained most of the drive.

[Owyhee Mountain sunset]

Our drive also included lots of potty stops for Carter.....and yes, I'm THAT mom, lol!!

But we also had to stop regularly so that I could get out and stretch my legs - had a bad roadtrip experience when I was pregnant with Carter, and we wanted to prevent that from happening again.

We finally arrived at the house in Tahoe - it was gorgeous!  And one of Carter's favorite things to do was hunt for the massive pine cones.

And if you can't tell just how big these things are, here:
They are as big as his head!

Here are two views of the house - it's 4 bedrooms, plenty of room for us (Eric, Carter, me, Eric's mom and grandma)

And while we didn't have a direct view of the lake, just down the street was this view:

We also spent quite a bit of time exploring all of the local shops and sidewalk sales.  We found some great deals, and also had fun trying on all the random funny items!

One of the things Eric really wanted to do was go parasailing.  Unfortunately, it was pretty spendy AND I wanted to go.....but we weren't sure about the safety of this considering I'm pregnant.  Someday, we will definitely do this because it's one thing we both continually talk about.  Until then, here's a pic of some people we saw up in the air.  So jealous!!

Stay tuned for more Tahoe adventures!!!

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...

How fun!! I can't wait to see the rest :) Ha Ha! Was the pic of you and carter before he went potty?? The look on his face is priceless... :)