Thursday, September 16, 2010

Take Me Up

On Labor Day, we decided to take the Gondola ride to the top of Heavenly - one of the ski mountains in Tahoe (there are LOTS).  It was a pricey little excursion, but I think it was totally worth it.  Here are some pictures of our adventure.

Carter really wasn't sure at first what to think of the Gondola.....but the more we made it out to be a BIG ride, the more he liked it.

The first stop was at the observation deck, which offered up this lovely view.

And a sign with these nifty Lake Tahoe facts.  It's a HUGE lake.

Seriously - from where I was standing, I couldn't get the entire lake in my frame, no matter how much I backed up.

One more stop brought us to the next part of the ride - the chairlift, which would take us to the peak of Heavenly.  This ride made me a little more nervous with Carter because it wasn't enclosed and we only had a bar keeping us "secure".

But we made it to the top......all 9,575 feet to the top.  The air was definitely a little thin, and made the hiking around quite interesting.

On top of the world - this is from the top of Heavenly, I believe looking out over Carson City, NV.

The ride down was definitely more interesting for Carter - he could see a lot more than the ride up.

When we reached the bottom, we explored a couple of the shops, and Carter played around with the bears - too cute!!
Stay tuned for even more adventures from Lake Tahoe!!!

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

Great pictures. I need to find time to go through mine. Hopefully this weekend.