Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Sweet Boy

Three years ago, on this very day, I brought into the world the light of my life.  My sweet, bossy little boy.

Though he's quite a pain in the butt sometimes, I love him more than anything.  He's the best kid I could ever ask for, and possesses the best of both Eric and me.
I remember these hospital days like they were yesterday.
His birth was not an easy one - I spent about 15 hours in labor, which, in addition to being stressful in itself, was additionally hard because the cord (we found out later) was wrapped around Carter's chest - which was caushing him some serious distress every time I had a contraction.  My doctor finally called for an emergency c-section and we were wheeled into surgery.  22 minutes later, my little boy was shown to me and then rushed off to be monitored.  He was 7 lbs 1 oz of absolute perfection.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of my handsome guy.......Mr. Attitude, and all!

Happy Birthday sweet boy - mama loves you!!!

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...