Thursday, June 4, 2015

So Long, First Grade!

Yesterday marked the last day of first grade for Carter. Where does the time go?!! First grade was a really good school year for Carter. He is above his grade level in every subject, and his IRI test scores are virtually double the class average. I'm so proud of his continued progress and success with school. The whole school got to do a picnic lunch yesterday, which made Carter super excited. Last night, however, after all the busy of the day wore off and we got ready for bed, Carter had quite the meltdown. Not just crying....we're talking bawling, sobbing, couldn't catch his breath because he was going to miss his teacher THAT much. It was the sweetest thing. We had a good talk about his teacher and I explained that she had been teaching at his school for quite a long time and would still be there next year for him to visit. That seemed to make him feel a little better, but dang he was sure traumatized there for a while!
And now we're on to second grade - holy cow!!
(First day (left) and last day (right) of first grade)

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