Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Day Trip to the Mountains

I needed a day trip out of the city. I needed the mountain air to clear my head. I took the kids up to see my parents and aunt and uncle, who were camping in Boiling Springs.  I spent many childhood camping trips at the cabin in Boiling Springs. They weren't in the cabin this time around, but we did walk down there for old time's sake.
Here are some shots from the big camera:
Two peas in a pod
Kendall staying out of the rain
Breakfast in the mountains? Nothing better!
While Kendall napped, we walked down to the old forest service cabin where I spent many camping trips as a child. What memories at this place!
My dad and uncle Rod.
 My dad, Carter, and me.
 We also introduced Carter to the hot springs for the first time. He was impressed!
 The main hot springs were taken, so we took Carter to some down at the river. They are a little cooler in temperature since the river runs right next to them.
 Carter wanted to get in, so I took off his shoes and rolled up his pants. He loved it!
And then here are a few from my phone:
It was a chilly day with lots of rain, so the clouds were low-lying the entire day.
 There was road construction at the bridge at the turn-off to Crouch, so I snapped this picture while we were stopped.
 Kendall borrowing Grandma's hat to stay out of the rain! She is certainly my mom's little mini-me.
 Carter was the fire-keeper. You can see a downed tree behind him. At the camping spot, there were some micro-bursts, which resulted in several huge trees being uprooted and blown over. This one was right through their camp! It was a huge tree.
Crazy hair girl and her Papa.
Boiling Springs valley on the drive home.

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