Friday, September 6, 2024

Honeymoon Day 5 - Kauai -> Maui

 Day 5 was a travel day from Kauai to Maui.  Once we arrived in Maui, we drove from the airport to our place in Napili Bay.  We drove through Lahaina on the way, which was really sad to see.  The residential area is just decimated...everything cleared out, down to the foundations.  We stopped at a store to get some groceries since our place had a full kitchen - insanely expensive.  We did notice that some Hawaiians (not sure if all) definitely consider themselves as separate from the U.S.  We saw many signs that said "Hawaii is not America"...or upside down flags.  I think a lot of this has to do with the treatment following the Lahaina fire last year.  

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