Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nichole & {Family}

So this last weekend, I did a fall family photoshoot for Nichole and her family - which included her two sons, her sister and boyfriend, and her parents.  We mixed it up and I got a TON of great shots - only a small sample of which are on display here.  We even had an outfit change at the end to allow for a BSU family picture - since it was game day and all!

And with this photoshoot, I am done for the year/season.  I have been slammed all spring, summer and fall - literally having to schedule time for my OWN family vacations/trips.  And honestly, I welcome this break with open arms.  I'm not booking another shoot for the rest of the year - mark my word.  I rather enjoy the thought that this weekend is ALL MINE.  I have no plans and I don't even know what to do with myself!  I can do what I want, without having to plan around a shoot.  This year has been an incredibly successful year for my photography.  This winter, I will focus on taking online classes and tutorials to better my techniques - both behind the camera and with the photo editing software that I use.  You can never be TOO educated and I love learning.  So it's time to really advance my knowledge and skills.

Without further boring you, here are some samples from Nichole's shoot.


1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

Great Photo's. Those sisters are pretty and the little boys are darling