Thursday, December 31, 2020

{2020} A Year In Review

 Oh boy, how do we even talk about 2020? We started off the year with Kendall getting pinworm, so that should have the clear indicator that this year was going to be a complete shit show. Honestly though, despite COVID, it was a pretty decent year. We successfully navigated the many bumps in the road, had some really fun adventures, and overcame every health issue along the way. 

To start off the year, Kendall decided she wanted to try basketball. We signed her up for Y-ball and she had an absolute blast! She's quite the aggressive little defender, and it was really fun watching her navigate this new sport.

Then the entire world was tipped on its axis with COVID. Stay at home orders were issued, so we did the things we knew how to do well.  We went to the mountains frequently.

We played a ton of games.

When it was too chilly to go camping, we camped inside the house!

We played more games.

We did extra school work.

And puzzles.

And Carter started his braces adventure!

We basically got outdoors every chance we could.

We fished. A LOT.

Did I mention we got up to the mountains a time or two?

We navigated at-home learning with the dreaded paper packets. Some days, we did school snuggled up in bed. 2020 has sure changed (multiple times) the way school looked for the kiddos.

Carter somehow grew 87 inches in the span of six months and was able to get in not one, but two flag football seasons. 

We got outside.

We coached an all-star team and won the state championship!

We walked to Kleiner more times than I can count and found evenings like this.

Addie completely rocked both fairs this year, showing her sheep for numerous ribbons and other winnings!

We escaped the heat.

We camped.

We cancelled vacation plans.  Or rather, the plans were cancelled on us.  Alaska, we will see you soon!

We entered another wonky school year.

We went club. And not just went club as in playing for someone else. We developed a new team how WE wanted it formed with me as the manager. And then I took over as President of that entire organization as well. Now wearing the President hat of two softball organizations here in the valley.

We road-tripped it to Lagoon!

We decided that if we were truly going to spend this much time in the outdoors, we might as well have fun with it!

The kids grew.

We got Covid. And survived it.

Carter completed hunter's ed and got to go on his first hunting trip.

This dog lived his best life with his humans home most of the time.

The kids ice skated for the first time.

I set a reading goal and completely smashed it!

Overall, 2020 was an adventure. Sure, we had Covid and it derailed a couple things. However, it was still an amazing year that was filled with creativity, time together as a family, exploring the outdoors, and learning to constantly adjust and go with the flow. 2021, we are ready for ya!

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