Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Seattle - Day 2

The second day was a little bit more relaxed than the first - all of the stuff we wanted to see was close to the hotel, thankfully! Our legs were tired from day one!  The first thing we did was stop by Le Panier again - of course! We needed some goodies to take home.  Then we hit Pike Market for a bit so Kendall could explore all the shops and vendors. 

After the Market, we headed to the Seattle Aquarium. As with the Zoo and PacSci Center, there was a crazy amount of Halloween activity - I didn't even think during the planning stages of this trip that that would be an issue. Needless to say, all attractions had extra Halloween activities going on, meaning more people than usual. We made it work!


The octopus is always a crowd favorite.

This otter and Kendall ended up being spirit animals, and most likely soul mates. It made several backfloat laps around the pool. Kendall kept hearing it make a small screaming sound, so she screamed back at it. The very next lap, it sat up in the water and screamed back at Kendall. They are obviously bonded for life now!

After the aquarium, we headed down a few piers for our harbor cruise. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so it was a perfect day to cruise around the harbor. 

After the cruise, we ate lunch right below the giant wheel. Her brother ordered popcorn shrimp there a few years ago - she ordered the same. :)  Then we made our way, via the scenic route (sheesh!) back to the airport for our flight. It was a fantastic trip, and one that I hope Kendall remembers for a long time. It was nice to get that one-on-one time with her, and we really had a blast together!

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