Saturday, June 18, 2011

Road Trip

Last weekend, we headed over to Pocatello to join Eric's family in celebrating a wedding, and then a family gathering the following day.  It was a rough trip, I will admit that.  I was grumpy, Carter got sick, and patience seemed to have been left at home.  But we still tried to have fun.

One of the big highlights for Carter was going swimming, and Ms. Kendall brought along her suit too.  She loved the water - I'm so happy to have two kids who love the water. Makes life so much easier!

(forgive the quality of these pics - dark lighting in a pool area always produces yucky pictures) 

 Kendall and her great-grandma Dort

 We still aren't sure if Carter was battling a cold, or had a bad allergy attack. But nonetheless, it was a miserable kid.  I got three hours of sleep all weekend - no joke. So mom was pretty miserable too.

 On the way home, we stopped at Shoshone Falls - they have record water flow this year.  I have seen the falls when they are practically bone dry, and with some moderate water flow. But nothing like this! The roar of the water was so loud and it was just awesome!

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

It was long and busy... Road trips are rough on me too..