Friday, June 3, 2011

My Goal, My Mission......

.....since I've been on maternity leave, I've been scrapbooking like a fool.  I'm so behind.  I'm currently finishing up 2009.  Yes, 2009.  But it's been a blast too!  But one thing I noticed over and over is that I'm ALWAYS the one behind the camera.  Anyone who is camera happy understands this.  So most of the pictures are Carter with everyone else.  And occasionally I'm in there.  So, here's the deal:  I'm passing off the camera more often.  George will have to get used to someone else handling him because I NEED to be in all of these photographed memories as well.  And it starts today.  We took Carter out for a bike ride and my first instinct was to snap a picture of him and Eric.  Not anymore, my friends.  It's this way from now on:


CreativeMish said...

Yay! I agree! you need to be in the pictures too

♥Jacqueline said...

I know exactly how you feel. And when I ask someone to take one for me, all I hear is moaning and groaning. I end up having to bring along the tripod just to make an attempt. Good mission, That's a good goal!