Friday, December 3, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!

Earlier in the week, we got some serious snow.  I think we had about 8 inches at our house.  After dinner one evening, we venture out into the snow (yes, in the dark) to try out one of Carter's new sleds.  We are scouting around for a few different kinds, but bought this little flexible saucer type one first - which will probably be the main one used at our sledding weekend at the cabin simply because it can be pulled behind the 4-wheelers.  We decided to try it down the driveway first since it's fairly steep.  Worked like a charm!!

Although we did run into one snag......Carter pushing Daddy down the driveway didn't exactly work out! ;)

1 comment:

♥Jacqueline said...

How Fun!! I bet your boys can't wait for next month! :)