Friday, July 26, 2024

Canyon County Fair - SWEEP!

We got out to watch Addie work her magic at the Canyon County Fair. What a day! Super proud of her hard work and determination.

Grand Champion Dorset Ewe
Overall Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe
Grand Champion Blackface Ewe
Reserve Champion Dorset Ewe
Reserve Champion AOB Ewe
Team Addie & Poppy Showmanship
Reserve Champion Senior Showman
Overall Grand Champion Senior Showman

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Last of Times

Today was a day. I've known for a while that this day would come, but dang it was hard nonetheless.

Kendall decided a couple months ago that she wanted to hang up her cleats after this season. It's a hard path to walk as a parent, wanting them to play forever, while honoring/respecting their choices.
Today was her last day on the field, our last day as coach/player, and my last day as coach. It was brutal and I held it together until that very last out. Man, those tears came hard. I could not be more proud of Kendall and her softball journey. It has been one of the greatest honors of my life getting to be on the bucket and watch her grow as a player.
There have been so many players that have I have coached. It's the best job there is, hands down. They have all impacted my life in ways I never knew were imaginable.
Coaching is tough. At times, brutal. But watching these ladies grow, learn, battle, win, lose, and develop a passion for the game....that's what it's all about.
#1 - you're the absolute best, kiddo. It's been the greatest joy of my life.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Camping Trip #2

 Back at it!  We asked the kids if they really wanted to stay in town for the 4th, or if they would rather camp. Camping won. Duh.  There were A LOT of people up in the mountains this weekend, but we held strong to our spot and had another wonderful time.