Sunday, December 31, 2023

{2023} A Year In Review

My, much things can change in a year.  Am I right?  

Let's jump in!

We started the year with a trip to the happiest place on earth. My parents found a great house near the park, and we still aren't sure if the kids spent more time at Disneyland or in the pool at the house! 

Due to not enough snow up Grimes Creek, we had to push out our annual sledding trip to the end of February.  Never fear, we made it happen!

We then traveled to warmer climates for the World Baseball Classic in Miami.  My family has been going to this even for many years now.  They always rave about how amazing it is, so we decided to join this year.  What a show!  A "normal" baseball game will seem quite boring in comparison.  What a total party, with the music and chants, the makeshift instruments. It was a hoot!  We were able to see the two semi-final games, and the championship game between USA and Japan.  We will definitely be going to all WBC's going forward!

Spring softball was another really fun season, and our last with MYBS.  

The girls really grew, and we decided to launch straight into all-stars.  It was an amazing all-star summer, where we took another State Title.  It was really emotional coaching those last games, but we were sooo ready to move on to bigger and better.

We decided to head back to club softball.  There is definitely no shortage of club teams here in the valley, so we took our time trying to decide the best fit.  We ultimately decided to join up with GTS, who is highly successful in their baseball program.  We ended up bringing three teams to their organization.  The beginning was a little rough going, but once the girls found their groove, they really pulled together and had a great time.

Really looking forward to what this spring/summer bring for the team.

Of course, there were many, many days spent up in the mountains.

Addie had a phenomenal year doing her fairs and jackpots.  She really is laser-focused on this, and it shows every time she steps into the show ring.

Carter had a chance this year to participate in the MPD Youth Safety Academy, which was a week-long course.  He learned a ton and had a great time.

We also took Carter to Seattle this year, for his first Seahawks game.  What an amazing experience!

Kendall got her braces!

I had a birthday for the books!  Randy went all out for me - renting a Corvette, taking me for a delicious breakfast, followed by massages, and then a panic room with my parents and brother, which was really fun, and then dinner.  It really was the most amazing birthday I think I have ever had.  So fun!

I did meet my reading goal for this year. It was looking a little questionable towards the end of the year, as a massive chunk of my time was taken up with softball and a certain fella....BUT we did get that goal.

Randy's girls came for a visit, and it was really nice to get to spend time with them.

And the adventure that this relationship has brought to our lives.  Holy moly.  28 years of knowing each other, and we finally landed on the right place, right time.  Timing is a crazy thing.

I can't imagine a better year.  I truly can't.  This has been one of the best in my entire life, and I am HERE for it.  

Heading into 2024, I don't know what softball is going to bring for Kendall, but I do know that I will be right there by her side, no matter what she decides.  We are going to crush this spring/summer.  We are going to travel.  We have a trip to Ireland tee'd up.  I think my words for 2024 will be Adventure and Balance.  Cheers!!

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