Friday, December 2, 2022

November's Literary Adventures

 November was an interesting month for reading. I have long been a fan of Helen Phifer and her different series. They seem to be getting rather "cookie cutter", following a very specific plot line that cycles with every book. But they are a good, easy read, so I will likely stick with her Morgan Brookes series.  The Aly Martinez trilogy was actually a really good read (though the covers make it appear like they are romance novels - they are definitely NOT).  I ended up not finishing the Lincoln Child book, which was surprising to me given how many of his other books (solo and with Douglas Preston) I have thoroughly enjoyed.  This one was just too technical and never really got going.  The Investigator was a decent book - I really enjoy the main character, but the Texas oil plot line was slowwwwww moving. It really picked up at the end, and I see the author is going to continue the series, so I will give the second book a chance as well.

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