Tuesday, November 9, 2021

This is 4-0

This is 4-0

Another decade checked off.
It's utterly amazing what you can pack into one decade, isn't it?
I sat with a lot of self-reflection over the past day. Some of it makes me smile. Some of it makes me sad. Bitter. Laugh. Wonder. Through it all, I learned.
I raised kids. I watched them grow...awestruck by what I created.
I climbed mountains - literally and metaphorically.
I faced challenges I wasn't sure I could overcome.
I tasted victory.
I also felt the loneliness of defeat.
I earned a great many things.
I became a published photographer.
I loved.
I lost.
I came out on the other side of heartbreak....alive.
I rebuilt.
I divorced.
I remarried.
I gained another child...built a family.
I traveled...near and far. My travels are my favorite. I have seen so many glorious places.
I read so many books - keeping my brain engaged and constantly learning.
I built so many forts.
Walked the streets of Rome.
I learned.
I redefined myself. This never stops.
I coached countless kids - this brings me the most pride. Teaching kids the game...and so much more than the game itself.
I stood in the most frigid and hotter than hot temps to cheer my kids on in their sports.
I bought a house and made it a home.
I furthered my career.
At times, I felt old...mostly, I felt young.
I embraced my health.
I lost 30 lbs this year.
I try to instill peace and simplicity as much as I can.
But more than anything, I learned.
Here's to 40!

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