Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Braces Adventure - Records and Impressions

Today I went back in to the orthodontist for my records and impressions appointment.  They took several x-rays, numerous pictures, and then the fun part - the impressions.  If you have never had impressions done before, it really isn't that bad. Of course, as an information person, I needed to Google the process to see what was involved. And of course, there are a million people out there freaking out about the impression process - will they gag, will they drool, will they puke, etc. Yes, it is uncomfortable. In all honesty, just breathe through your nose and you will be fine. One tip, however: don't choose a fruity "flavor" to the goop. It drove my glands nuts. Next time, I will go with a minty flavor.
This is what the tray looks like.  They do one for the top and one for the bottom, one at a time. Hold for a minute apiece, and you're done. Piece of cake.
Now, back to the waiting game. In the next two weeks, the orthodontist will call me back with a game plan.
Hurry up and wait.

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