Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yes, we DID

I know not everyone is a supporter of President Obama, but I am. And today is a wonderful day. I'm so proud of American voters for getting out there and slamming the polls. This was a HUGE election and I'm so glad I got to be part of it (I contributed to the campaign three different times, and I voted). I DO believe in the President. I believe he can get this done. More than that, I am so, SO glad to have someone in office who gives a damn about women's rights. This is a HUGE issue for me, and the thought of what could have happened had the other guy (I refuse to speak that slimeball's name even one more time) been just That's all I will say about that.
America has a lot of work to do. Washington has a lot of work to do - TOGETHER.  The divide in the United States is bigger than ever, and that should concern a lot of people. I know it concerns me. I truly hope that the big wigs across the country can stop the pissing match and move America forward and out of this funk. We need to get back to being a powerful, thriving America once again. I know it can be done.
Also, I am so excited that several states stepped up last night and took a step forward in the marriage equality movement. This is another issue that is important to me, and I'm glad we are slowly but steadily eliminating that form of discrimination. That's really what it is. Love should not be subject to discrimination.
This blue girl in a red state is PROUD today.

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