Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pregnancy Tracker - 39 weeks

Well here we are.....the last week.  I actually started having some contractions Friday, AT WORK.  That was certainly an experience!!  And it certainly sent me into a panic because that was the one night my doctor wasn't available.  Fortunately, the contractions faded away by the end of the work day, and haven't reappeared since.  Whew!!

I treated myself to a "day before the baby arrives" pedicure yesterday.  It was amazing....those massage chairs are something I need to invest in.  They are definitely my favorite part of a pedicure.

Here's what says about the pregnancy at 39 weeks:

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

And, having said that, she IS ready to see the world.......TODAY in fact.  We're off to the hospital to bring this baby girl into the world.  Updates coming soon!

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

Well two sure did a great job of creating that beautiful baby daughter of yours!