We had a fabulous weekend! Friday night, we went out to dinner.....we aren't big into the Valentine's Day celebration, so that was basically the extent of our celebration. We had a nice italian meal, and we took the child with us. It was a great night. Until this happened:
I had a ton of laundry on the couch, waiting to be folded. How the child found this pair of fancy pants (from Eric's aunt at the bridal shower) is beyond me, but it seemed fitting given the holiday and all. Eric wanted no part of it - he said he didn't want a picture to document his child walking around in women's underwear. I laughed. It's all in the memories. Even if I only share it on the blog. No harm.
Saturday was a big shopping day. We both had extra money from our paychecks, so we went in search of some new clothes. I was desperately in need of some pants for work, and some new jeans. I succeeded in finding all of that...and more. Eric got some shirts too. It was a really fun day. No Valentine's Day celebration - just a nice steak dinner.
Sunday was a very quiet day. We only left the house to pay a visit to Carter's great-grandma. She had a great time visiting with Carter and watching him play. Then, it was back home to more laziness and peek-a-boo with the bathroom door that he loves to slide open and shut....open and shut...open and shut.
But that face is worth it.
Monday, Eric had to work while I had the holiday off. Carter had another playdate!
He's becoming quite popular, the little stud. He continues to be quite cautious at first, but ends up opening up and having a great time. I love watching him interact with other children his age. I don't get to see enough of it at daycare, but it's always so fun to watch!
After the playdate was over, I had a dentist appt. I didn't take my camera. That's not something I care to document via pictures. Or at all, for that matter.
As soon as I got home, we started the baking.
It was time for some cookies in this house!!! My boss just bought his daughter this learning tower....however, I don't have $200 to drop on one of those, so a chair will have to do. And you know what? It does the SAME thing....minus all the safety precautions, lol! We were very careful though - he is sure-footed enough by now to not fall off. But we had a great time!
He loved helping me measure stuff, and he especially loved the mixer.
Must be something with the noise, because he loves the vacuum too. Something I will never understand. As you can see, he's quite the little helper. He even screamed when my phone would vibrate from a new text message.
And the oven mits?
He was SO in charge of those. And after we were done baking cookies, I baked a ham. And I don't want to talk about that. ;-)
Super cute pics btw! ;o)
My brother-in-law has a learning tower for his daughter. She actually fell through the side of it a few weeks. She bent down just right and just fast enough, and out she went!
What kind of cookies did you make?
BTW - I like your knickers! :)
The cookies were chocolate chip, butterscotch chip, and white chocolate chip. They are soooo good. They are a "pudding" cookie recipe I found on another blog. So amazing! I will never make "regular" chocolate chip cookies again.
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